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  Pisces are a little bit of everything. They are independent and mystical. They are sensitive and loving. They can easily adapt and change according the situation. Sometimes they are so colorful that they contradict their own rules and principles. Pisces can handle many different tasks at once and be successful in all of them.
They can tolerate other people's behaviors. This makes very strong friends out of them. They also learn easy and can change professions without concern. Although trying to be independent, they like to have somebody above them to mange all the tasks they perform. Pisces are ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. They are religious and pay strong attention to family and relationship values. Pisces are good for any profession as long as they are not the major players.
Pisces attractions:   Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio
Pisces colors:   aquamarine, purple
Pisces stones:   Golden Topaz
Pisces plants:   seaweed, mosses
Golden Topaz
Neptune is the God of the Seas. She symbolizes the dissolution of reality, for all Earth arises from the ocean and eventually returns to it. Neptune is represented by the mists, which prevent us from seeing the reality. Instead, we must rely on our own imagination to guide us through the hidden realms. As the main planet for Pisces, Neptune is about the spiritual and the mystical. It's about anything that we cannot see with our five senses.
The Twelfth House is like the astrological refuse collector. It's not about endings in the traditional sense; it's more about recycling. It is also about spirit, surrender and secrets. Here is where we brush up against our own limitations and see how they undo what we have done.
Astrologically, the water element symbolizes emotion. Water runs deep; it seeks its own level and will flow until it has found its desired level. The cycle of water is endless with the snows falling in the mountains and melting. Our feelings go on flowing as they connect the present with past experiences. Sometimes the waters are so deep that feelings cannot take the form of words.

The waters of Pisces are about the waters of consciousness. We live in a sea of thoughts, feelings and beliefs. These waters connect each of us to one another in ways that go beyond our rational understanding of life.
Your compassion for those in need is your forte.
Confusion can put you at a disadvantage.
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